What is a barcode?
When you buy pretty much any physical product today, you will see a label on the package.
When this label is scanned at the register, the computer automatically brings up information about the item, such as the description and the price.
This is a barcode.
When the barcode is scanned at the register, the computer automatically brings up information about the item, such as the description and the price.
It’s a machine-readable form of information on a visual surface, and the scanner reads the black lines to identify the product. On a basic level, it’s a way to price a product in a store, but it can do much more than this.
It’s an effective tool for accurately tracking stock and inventory in a warehouse by allowing your staff to know exactly what the item is and update your Warehouse Management System (WMS) when stock is taken so that it’s always up-to-date. It also allows your team to track different shipments as they leave your business, right to your customers.
Want to learn more about how barcodes can help your business??
Barcodes can offer your business a lot of advantages when it comes to inventory control and stock level management.
Whether you currently use barcodes or not, finding the best solution can make your processes more efficient, saving you time and money.